Five Things to Consider When Building an Aquaponic System

Setting up an aquaponic system, although quite an easy task, requires some basic knowledge of aquaponics. If you have decided to install such a system in your home, then you probably know something about it already. Below you will find five essential things which you should know in order to obtain spectacular results.

1. Choosing a Location

Where you place your aquaponic system is very important to how your plants and fish will develop. In order to obtain the best possible results you should make sure that the temperature in the space is neither too high, nor too low. That is somewhere between about 65-75F.

You should ensure that there is enough light for the plants to create new growth. Also, ensure that no wind or extreme weather conditions will reach them. Finally, make sure that no harmful chemical substances can get inside the water as this certainly means death for both your fish and your plants.

2. Oxygenating the Water

The happier your fish are, the better your system will work! This is why you need to oxygenate the water on a daily basis. This will make sure your fish have all the “comfort” they require. This may be accomplished by placing an air stone or two in the aquarium section of your setup.

3. Choosing Your Fish Accordingly

The aquaponic system works well with almost all types of fish. First, you must decide whether your fish are to be for decoration or nutrition. You must also be aware that there may be local laws. You may not be allowed to grow some types of fish in a home environment. Find out what types of fish you are allowed to raise before starting your aquaponic system. This will certainly prevent some problems with the government agencies involved.

4. Placing Your Containers

It is not always possible to regulate the height of you systems. In order to make the harvest easier, you should try to place the plant containers, or even the entire system at your waist level. This way you will not have to bend over as often. The daily care routine will thus become a much easier activity.

5. Required Additives

Occasionally your fish may not provide all of the nutrients needed for your plants. If the quantity is lower than what the plants need, then you will have to supply your plants with the required substances. In most cases you will need to add iron, calcium carbonate or potassium carbonate.


Aquaponics is an easy activity which can provide you with the necessary vegetables and fish in a reasonably short period of time. Just follow the tips mentioned above and you will have great success in your attempt to grow aquaponic food in your home.

Bonus Tip

Keep learning about aquaponics, and keep an open mind about what actually works for you. Read as many articles as you can on the subject of aquaponics. Purchase good books, etc. on the subject. Get a good manual on aquaponics. We recommend How To DIY Aquaponics.